Monday, January 17, 2005

Election Day Loomith

In less than two weeks, the citizens of Iraq will go to the polls and vote in the mother of all elections. Not even Ohio has faced the tribulations associated with the task at hand. Each day the news reports 10-15-20 Iraqi police or other security forces killed by insurgents. Assassinations of election officials are the rule not the exception. Bodies lie along the roadside bearing threatening notes designed to intimidate would be voters. Yet U.S. pollsters report that a high percentage of Iraqi citizens are poised to cast their ballots in spite of the impending violence.

The violence will almost certainly escalate as the date draws near. Heavily armed U.S. soldiers, the foremost military power in the world, have found themselves defenseless in guerilla attacks. It is quite evident that the deaths and maiming will continue. The armed and unarmed face an anonymous enemy prepared to send their explosive laden zealous martyrs into a crowd.

And what if the wrong party wins? What if we are asked to leave the country? Will we declare the election null and void? Can we demand a recount? Will all our sacrifice have been in vain?


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