Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Got Haas?

Remember Bill Haas? The ex school board member, ex candidate for mayor, ex just about everything except a voice in the wilderness. Bill is still alive and churning as I know for a fact since I am of the privileged class , a recipient of email, from Bill’s buddy list which includes editors of all journalistic ilk.

Yes, Bill is alive and well and Wal~Mart is a better place for it. Make note of the fact that Mr. Haas again has aspirations of throwing his hat into the political arena in “06 as a candidate for school board or United States Senator. Or maybe in ‘09 as the mayoral candidate.

Bill is a purist Quixotesque character with too many windmills to fight. He never made it to the top with Roberti and the clan when the then interim superintendent took over the school district in a blitzkrieg one never could have imagined. Unloving words were exchanged with Hiz Honor, Mr. Schomehl. All the while, Bill was telling us the deal was no good. But as usual the haves have and the rest of us are SOL.

Bill speaks his mind and for that he usually finds himself in hot water. At times, he takes on the subtle form of someone afflicted with a major case of moonstroke. Yet, he still gives witness to the truth relating to the school board and its decisions to make bad decisions. Perhaps the citizens of St Louis are not at the point where truth is the most important matter? Perhaps we still wish to concede to quagmire of political cronyism?

We are now faced with new faces in the school district. The latest plan is to pay the students cash to promote attendance. The pros say that mere attendance will result in a possibility of increased academic potential. The pessimists view it as a scheme to promote the drug cartels.

Give us a sign, Bill. What do you think?

I’d like to help you Bill, but I feel that the strategists of both parties would relish the thought of gnawing on the bones of the skeletons in my closet.


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