Sunday, November 27, 2005

Blood Money

I have taken my break as a hippie. During this time I have painted, made jewelry, learned to make candles, dabbled in poetry (this will come later) and grown my hair much to the chagrin of my employer. However unlike a true hippie, I have attempted to turn my new found talents down the path of financial gain making me one of those capitalistic pigs which we so abhor. In an effort to redeem myself and with a contrite heart, I will once again further my attack against the establishment.

The war does not go well. The death toll , both American Forces and innocent Iraqi citizens, rises like the mercury in a thermometer situated in the mouth of a patient consumed with fever. The arguments both pro and con on withdrawal of American troops negate one another. Criticism of Administration policy is countered with accusations of unpatriotic behavior. No one is left unscathed including highly decorated ex military members who have finally seen the light. Dubious intelligence comes to light, but those relying on the reliable/unreliable information presented at the time are admonished as if they were the ones to have spread such gibberish.

An incumbent Commander-in-Chief sports a power which far surpasses any supposed by all branches of government combined. Summon the members of the military to sit as an audience and a captive group is gathered. Schedule it on a day set aside to commemorate the price paid by military veterans. Wave the flag. Mention patriotism. The task is at hand and we must prevail for God, mom and apple pie. None of them believe they were sent forth and sacrificed for less than a noble cause. None of them believe that they are cannon fodder for an agenda. Yet, the cream of the Generation die and are maimed for reasons we can not truthfully explain.

Polls mean nothing. The President’s approval rating is down. The People want an end to the folly of war. But in the end all that really matters is shareholder’s approval of the dealings in the corporate board room. That is the accelerant to the fire of war.


Blogger Angela said...

Today I saw a bumpersticker that had a picture of W and the words, "America's Errorist" So, so true....

Good to see you back and writing again.....

4:09 PM  
Blogger citywmn said...

I guess we need more firefighters to put out that "fire of war."

8:33 PM  

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