Monday, May 15, 2006

Another Country, Another Notch

The immigration issue is still the hot topic in Washington D.C. Hotter than a habanero pepper. The President’s plan to curb the illegal entry of Mexican immigrants is to call out the National Guard to augment the Border Patrol agents. The Guard would only be utilized for a short period of time until additional professional patrol agents could be trained. That is a relief since the Guard , as the President puts it, are not trained to perform these duties. Were they more trained to travel off to Iraq? But the positioning of the Guard on the border disturbs me for a couple of reasons.

We know of the present administration’s problems when it comes to reading intelligence data. Even when accurate information is given it is disregarded. We also know how bureaucratic logic can become mind boggling. Who knows what could happen.

It is generally understood that democratic countries have a fairly sound economy. People flee their homelands to seek political asylum in countries with democratic forms of government. Mexico is supposedly a democratic country, but we don’t hear any stories of people fleeing Cuba to go to Mexico. And since Mexico is a democratic country, it should have a fairly stable economy. That can only mean that the immigrants are not fleeing Mexico and entering the U.S. for economic reasons, but must be seeking political asylum. The great numbers of those fleeing to the U.S. has caused alarm on Capitol Hill, but the real reason is kept secret. The politicos can’t come out and denounce the Mexican President as a Saddam like figure since he is supposedly a friend. Another plan, a more surreptitious plan, must be placed.

Each day the Guard units would take five steps south of the border. Each day closer and closer to the Mexican capitol. Eventually we would be on the doorstep of the Presidential Palace. The tanks would roll in and we would liberate the poor and downtrodden. We could then proceed to help the people form a new government. No-bid contracts would be awarded to Halliburton. American companies will build their plants and Wal~Mart and McDonald’s will abound. The economy would thrive. Illegal immigrants would return to their beloved country secure in the knowledge that they have won a great freedom. Employers will seek cheap labor from north of the border.

Then the people will grow to distrust us and hate us. Militants will attack our troops. Casualties will soar. Having no exit strategy, we are once again stuck in political quicksand.


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