Hazelnuts Matter
Three generations of a family came into the restaurant for breakfast the other morning. Grandma, mom and the three unruly kids aged approximately 7-10. After they were situated in the booth, I welcomed them and inquired as to what they might like to drink. Simple question, but then again nothing is simplistic in this affluent suburb. Mom would have a hazelnut cappuccino. I replied with regret that we no longer served flavored cappuccinos. Ignoring the operative words-no longer- I was immediately rebuked and sternly informed that the drink of choice had been ordered in the past. I delicately reminded the lady of the true meaning of no longer available. A puzzled look came to her face as she gazed at the wall and sighed, “Imagine that”. She appeared to be deep in thought for about 30 seconds trying to decide what to do next now that she would be unable to dip into the flavored drink. Grandma came to the rescue suggesting a regular cappuccino topped with whipped cream and cinnamon. A smile came upon her and she then asked the children what beverage they would like. “Chocolate milk”, screamed one. “Sprite”, beamed another. A puzzled look came from the third. Mom and Grandma ordered water for the three.
As I prepared the drinks, I thought of how far removed from reality some people sit. Genocide in Africa. War in Iraq. Israel bombing Lebanon. Gas prices out of control. Massive power outages and people dying from the devastating heat. Drugs. Crime. The list of things one should worry about could go on and on and nowhere included in the list is the absence of hazelnut in a cappuccino.
Mom ordered Eggs Benedict. Grandma ordered Eggs Florentine. After much debate, Mom ordered the children the little pancakes formed in the face of Mickey Mouse. Grandma concurred. That wasn’t what they really wanted, but hey kids that’s life. When you grow up, you can do the same to your kids.
Maybe I’m being too hard on Mom and Grandma. More than likely they are unaware of the happenings around them. National and local news reports rip through the airwaves in a matter of moments. Not much time to report the news with all those commercial breaks. Major stories like the fighting in Lebanon will not preempt the time allotted to the soaps or Oprah. Cable TV is only tuned to the Cartoon Channel. The noise of the outside world is diminished by the ear phones of the Ipod.
Apathy abounds in the lowly hazelnut.
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