Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Days

Like many millions of Americans, I celebrated that unofficial holiday known as Suberbowl Sunday. Early on in the day, I tuned in to the pre-game festivities while preparing the meal sized snacks that would most assuredly slam my arteries shut. Macho nachos layered with cheese topped with my own guacamole salsa and more than a dollop of sour cream sat next to a platter of boiled shrimp. The refrigerator was well stocked with my favorite beverage. My psychotic cat’s bowl was filled with a gourmet treat so that he, too, could share in the fun. The wall phone ringer was set to off and my cell phone rested under a pillow in the far off bedroom. A “Quarantined” sign was taped to the front door to dissuade would be unwanted visitors. No distractions this day.

The countdown had begun and the game of all games was near at hand. Bits of football trivia raced across the screen. Celebrities were interviewed and performed. Predictions as to the outcome of the game varied, but the majority sensed this day as being one of historic proportions. The mighty and unbeaten Patriots would surely bury the underdog Giants and take their place next to the gods on Mt. Olympus.

We were treated to a great game and an especially riveting final eleven minutes. The half time show was superb and without any publicity stunt wardrobe malfunctions to detract from the significance of the game. The commercials this year, usually one of the highlights of the game, were somewhat lame from those of previous years. But we take the good with the bad.

Despite all the hype and hoopla of the day and the weeks leading up to it, I felt that the most memorable time was during a segment at the end of the pre-game show. Members of the NFL recited the Declaration of Independence. I have a framed reproduction of the document hanging on my living room wall and from time to time I read the words that gave birth to this great nation of ours. But the words and meaning never held such resonance as it did this day. My emotions stirred as each word filled the room. We were once the underdogs facing the oppression of a mighty nation. Like the Giants, we climbed to the top in spite of all the obstacles in our path.
We have a voice in claiming our future.

This Tuesday is another Super Day. A day to cast our votes and be heard. Do so no matter what your political affiliation or who you think is the best candidate. If you have any doubts about what your vote means, read that document which led to our freedom.


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