Monday, June 16, 2008

" If It's Sunday..."

Sundays may never be the same. My friend, Tim Russert, host and moderator of “Meet The Press” died last week.

I spent many early Sunday mornings with my friend. No, not at some fishing hole or local coffee shop, but in the comfort of my living room. We never exchanged the gossip of the week past as most friends do at least not in the literal sense. I was one of the many million friends he had. Friends unknown to him, filing into the auditorium each Sunday morning to hear him query the guardians and would be guardians of federal and local government waiting to hear answers to legitimate questions . His questions were fair and nonpartisan meant to illicit a response providing information to enlighten us, shape us as a Nation, unlike many of his colleagues who claim to be journalists who base their popularity on ratings derived through sensationalism

He lived by the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared” for he always was one or two steps ahead of his guests armed with verifiable information and quotes. Woe be it to the unprepared. It wasn’t that he was laying in wait to pounce upon the unsuspecting guest execution style for his questions and comments were upfront and designed to give everyone a chance to reconcile. But those who back pedaled or side stepped found that they had been given enough rope to hasten their own political suicide.

To simply say that he was the epitome of what a journalist should be would be a gross injustice to his legacy for aside from his professional endeavors he exemplified personal attributes of an uncommon variety. A humble man and loving proud father. A loving and proud son who was unashamed to let the world know in no uncertain terms that his father was his strength. A devoutly religious man.

I watched the Sunday morning broadcast. The empty chair where my friend sat for 16 years. The tribute paid by friends and old time guests and like them, I had to choke back the emotions.

The show will continue on and a successor will step into my friend’s shoes. But he or she will never fill them. I'll miss him.


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