Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Political Sexpose

Just when we thought we were bogged down in that political mire we love to hate - the debates between Presidential candidates, the mud-slinging, the smoky backroom deals, election fraud - , we were treated to a tabloid tale of a sex scandal involving a well placed politician. No, not that seamy toe tapping in the men’s restroom stall at the airport kind, but one involving a common garden variety heterosexual who apparently had a penchant for high priced hookers. Extremely high priced hookers.

His Governorship of New York has been linked to a Federal investigation looking into an escort service. He allegedly paid a young lady $4300 for her services for four hours. That comes (no pun intended) to $1000 and some change per hour. Furthermore, it wasn’t his first quest as additional accounting of his bar bill determined that this stud had passed on $80,000 in payments for pleasure. That is a sizeable chunk of change and as the late great Harry Caray might say, “Holy Cow!!! That’s a lot of quarters.” And here I balked when Trixie raised the price of a lap dance to $40 even though she was open to negotiations and usually would opt in at $15, which was still way too much. But I digress.

I’m not one to begrudge any man or woman for that matter, lifestyle notwithstanding, from satisfying that intrinsic primal urge. What does irk me is the fact that some preach the self-righteous prattle and then betray our trust. TV Evangelists, clergy of all faiths, teachers and politicians, all fine upstanding members of the community, all supposed to have high moral fiber have constantly been brought to task when their affairs extended to public scrutiny. The Gov rode to his throne of power on the coat tails of reform promising to save his constituents from corruption and from themselves. Sorry, no one was saved.

He resigned today; a casualty of his own undoing . His family will share in the shame. He will not be the last for power consumes and instills that false sense of security that the powerful are beyond the reach of the powerless. Can’t wait to read the book.


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