Monday, December 29, 2008

The Year In Review

About a month ago I received an email from one of my many fans - ok, one of my few fans, surprised that I had not posted any comments about the pre-election or the post-election period. Well, my computer caught a nasty cold and I suspended my Internet connection for awhile. I carted my laptop off to the various coffee houses at times, but mostly just to just to get a quick fix during the time of withdrawal. For me it is difficult to concentrate on such heady matters as politics while straining my ear to take in the gossip shared by those around me. I waited for a wealthy benefactor to provide a new computer, but no such luck. So, I got out my pipe wrench and ratchet set and went to work. Seems to work now.

I am a creature of habit and find it necessary to sit in front of the bulky PC adorned in my robe, much like Superman in his cape, in order to write. Not that I will ever ascend to the level of my heroes- Emerson, Clancy or Dr. Phil-but I look for comfort when I write and the Bread Co. frowns upon customers in violation of conventional dress codes. (Maybe they wouldn't have had such misgivings if the robe was new) So, I’ll leave a few comments now about the year as it ends.

Yes, the political campaigns were ripe for comments, but I found that I was not all that interested once Hillary lost the bid. Historic in the sense that a black man won the nomination, yet disheartening to hear the candidates resort to traditional mudslinging and the time honored side step dance when an important question was posed. It’s over now, thank God, and I wish the President-elect the best in his attempt to join all as one and bring the Country back on track.

He’ll have a tough job given the current state of affairs. We are still engaged in wars on two fronts although the reports of same have been placed on the back burners as the media contends with more important issues. Jet fighters once again are alive along the Gaza Strip. Terrorist activities abound anew in foreign lands. Genocide still rears it’s ugly head.

Gas prices skyrocketed earlier in the year reaching record highs , but have steadily declined. Good news? No, for the Nation’s economy spiraled out of control as financial institutions fell due to greed and mismanagement. Bail out becomes a household word. The stock market crumbles before our eyes and the avalanche causes havoc of epidemic proportions. Retirement portfolios ravaged. Unemployment at an all time high. Foreclosures. Crime runs rampant. Budget cuts lead to reduction in services. Corrupt public servants betray our trust.

On the local scene my nemesis, his eminence, the Har$hbishop of St. Louis, was promoted and departed for the Vatican to become the Chief Justice of the Catholic Court or whatever the actual title. Nothing to write about him any more.

The Truth Is…despite the defects of the Year’08 it has been the happiest of my 60 on this Earth. Earlier in the year I became reacquainted with a woman I only knew briefly in a previous life. A kind, considerate and compassionate person unaffected by the materialistic aspects of life. A spiritual individual receptive of what Nature and her Creator has to offer. A woman who can weave an adventure from the simplest of thread. She challenges me with new experiences, but never insists that I accept her path as the only way to travel. One who communicates and more importantly one who I can communicate with. And she is the accelerant that has set ablaze a fire in my spirit. I am ever so thankful to have her in my life.

So, fans - or fan - no more posts of the political nature. No more stones cast at public figures . Only positive energy from here on out.

The full moon slumbers in the darkened sky
Like a cat near a mouse hole
Waiting patiently for that moment
To pounce upon the prey
Then two take hands as one
And look up
Into it’s face
Gazing, Reflecting
The full moon smiles in the darkened sky
Another two
As one


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