Free Stuff and Not So Free Stuff
Either I appear to others as a down trodden, depressed, dejected, in the depths of despair manifestation of a human being or I appear to be an easy mark, one who will eagerly and impetuously cave into the demands and opinions of others.
The other day I arrived at the restaurant, my place of employment, a little early and decided to use the time to catch up on some reading. As I sat in my car minding my own business, I noticed another car pull onto the lot carrying three older ladies and a young man. The car screeched to a stop and one of the ladies ran over with a pamphlet in hand, you know, the kind that is pushed on you on a Saturday morning after two young men in suits ring your door bell. "No thank you", was my reply before she could even utter a word.
The work day started as usual with two elderly ladies having coffee and the cheap breakfast. When it was time to pay, one lady offered me a CD along with payment. She informed me that the CD contained information on the rationale for voting against a Constitutional Amendment permitting stem cell research. "No thank you. Against company policy", I replied. I read in her eyes, "Thank you. No tip" . I then rang up a goose egg.
Throughout the day, I received a multitude of insignificant rubbish. Two members of a religious assembly left a "Yes, Jesus Loves you" card along with their payment and a very modest tip. A real estate tycoon (read: real estate agent) involved in a self-important conversation with his friend, alleging a significant 7 figure deal, fashioned a 10% gratuity along with his business card. An arrogant, pompous S.O.B, who considered me to be at 4-5 rungs below him on the socioeconomic ladder, left me the keys to his Lexus and a cell phone. All of the items were well received and immediately placed in my stockpile of other items of immense value (read: food scrap receptacle).
On the travel home, a homeless person at the bottom of the highway exit ramp holding out his cue card hoping that I would be so gullible as to hand him some spare change. I hear that they pay thousands of dollars to set up their stake to really choice locations. Perhaps the local governments should find a way to have these enterprising entrepreneurs procure permits to enhance the community coffers .
Political activists selling candy at busy intersections. The candy is never really what you crave for at the time.
Junk mail pulling you into a scheme to profit thousands of dollars for a small investment of time and money. Telephone calls hawking cheap home mortgages, storm windows, aluminum siding, guttering and feminine hygiene products.
I think I will check out the availability of a certain highway off ramp which I think can be a very lucrative site.
Still making all the money, I see.
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