Friday, October 06, 2006

Readin, Ritin and Rat-tat-tat

In light of the recent tragic school shootings in Colorado, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, a Wisconsin legislator has proposed that arming teachers might not be a bad idea and plans to introduce legislation that would permit teachers and school administrators to pack heat along with their rulers. I have probably heard a more ludicrous idea in my lifetime, but I can’t remember when.

While I suppose there are days that a school teacher whishes he or she had a Glock in their purse or briefcase, I find it difficult to believe that any teacher would opt in even if the proposed legislation could override the federal ban on guns on school grounds. More likely than not, a gun at school would somehow fall into the wrong hands despite even the most rigorous training afforded to the teacher.

Proponents of the legislation would cite the deterrence argument as a reason to permit a concealed carry law to be enacted. No nut case would dare enter a school knowing that the teachers were armed. But that is the point here. The individuals responsible for the recent horrific tragedies were not in their right minds and suicidal to boot. Suspecting that teachers might be armed would without a doubt tend to cause more casualties as the gunman would merely begin blasting away upon entering the building.

A bad idea to even consider, Mr. Legislator. I hope your constituents remember this when it comes time for your reelection bid.


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