Friday, December 09, 2005

Poetic Injustice

As I promised, some poetry.

When my flying days are over,
and from this world I pass.
I hope they bury my upside down,
so the world can kiss my ass.
~An ArmyAir Corps Aviator

Birdie, birdie in the snow,
broken beak and broken toe.
Lured him there with a crust of bread,
then I crushed his fuckin head.
~ A Marine

Here's to the girls in the little blue shoes,
spend our money and drink our booze.
Got no cherries , but that's no sin,
still got the box the cherries came in.
~A Sailor

Chirping birds announce the coming of dawn
A gentle dew carpets the freshly mowed lawn
The sun rises brightly in the clear blue sky
Flowers awake yawning, so do I.
Animals frolic romping every which way
Children arising looking for new games to play
The city comes alive a sight to behold
The countryside in silence a new day unfolds.
Each day is so precious rain or shine
Savor the beauty as if a fine wine
These gifts cost much more than we can afford
But they are free, my friend, compliments of our Lord.
~An Idealist

What I have to give you
Is not measured in worldly pay;
No silver; no gold; no precious stones,
To treasure by night and day.
What I have to offer you,
Can not be weighed in wealth
No luxuries; no lavishness;
To gratify a temporal health.
What I have to present you
Is ranked above the rest;
My Friendship; My Love; My Words
That time can never test.
~Someone in Love


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