Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Loving Trust

I had intended to write about some very serious issues tonight, but this afternoon my daughter called me and this evening my son had a wrestling match. Both the call and the match caused me to reflect on the past and gaze into the future.

Since birth, the daughter has been extremely independent with a mind of her own. Extraordinarily intelligent and talented particularly in the area of music. She has performed in many major venues across the nation and once sang solo to an audience of over 250,000 which was broadcast nationwide when the late Pope John Paul visited the United States. She has been active in her Church and community. She recently landed an intern position with a leading non-profit agency, her dream job as she put it. Upon completion of her tenure as intern, a position within the agency opened and she starts as a paid employee tomorrow. Hence the phone call.

The son is a high school freshman. A handsome lad. He was never interested in academia as his sister, but upon entering his last year in elementary school his interest in school peaked and the grades shot up. But he always has been a jock. His first word was "ball". His mantle holds many trophies from baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer. Wrestling is new to him. A new challenge.

While I am definitely proud of all their achievements, my real pride is in the fact that they have never flaunted their expertise. They have never rested on their laurels. They strive to excel and give of themselves to others . They like a pat on the back every so often as everyone does, but that isn't the reward they seek.

I think of the time they won't come to dad for advice, but then again dad hasn't always been there to give them advice. They have made wise decisions on their own and they will continue to do so. I can't hold them forever. But I trust them to remember their youth for that is their future.


Blogger happybashful said...

well, i'm no parent, but i think you're kids are pretty great :) and from what i know, you're pretty great yourself. :)

3:49 PM  

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