Archbishop Burke Does It Again
In the early days of the Christian church, later to be proclaimed as the Catholic Church, it’s members had to either hide their beliefs or practice their faith secretly in order to avoid persecution. While the modern day brethren in the St Louis area no longer face crucifixion or confrontation with lions in the arena, they must still conceal their true beliefs or face the wrath of their Bishop.
Since Archbishop Raymond Burke arrived upon the scene , he has been the center of controversy. He made it clear from the beginning that Catholic public politicians who advanced contradictory policy to the teachings of the church should be barred from the Sacraments of the Church. Burke then set his sites on a hostile takeover of a small financially well endowed parish , eventually disbanding the parish and excommunicating the Board of Directors, the most extreme punishment that the Church can present.
Burke recently stepped down from his post as Chairman of the Cardinal Glennon’s Medical Center Children’s Foundation. The Foundation’s annual fund raising event takes in donations benefiting the Bob Costas Cancer Center. The star of the show was to be Sheryl Crowe, a talented performer, certain to draw a crowd and enhance the Foundation’s coffers. But in addition to being a famed celebrity, Ms. Crowe also appeared in ads supporting Missouri’s Amendment 2 - cell stem research- in the last election. So Ms. Crowe is an activist. Promoting activities that could one day save her life, since she has been diagnosed with cancer.
Burke’s contention is that stem cell research is abortion in the strictest sense. While his moral and religious beliefs lead him to his decision to resign, he does so in a most uncharitable manner. He labels Ms. Crowe as “evil.” A celebrity who commands thousands upon thousands of dollars for a performance in the secular arena, but does so gratis for a deserving charity is not “evil”, your Eminence. In this particular instance she is the one demonstrating the attribute of charity that is the cornerstone of all denominations.
So let’s look at this in the proper perspective. The Harshbishop is unable to tolerate or condone the appearance of Crowe at a charitable event . Her values are diametrically opposed to the teachings of the church. Dump her. So do we dump everyone not abiding by the laws of the Church? Shall the Archdiocese turn away 96-98% of it’s weekly donations because only 2-4% of Catholics abide by Church law in the teachings on artificial contraception? ( St. Louis Review, Feb. 2, 2007). Pedophile priests? Don’t get me started on that. Doesn’t that make you want to resign your commission?
Ms. Crowe’s performing at a charitable event in no way reflects upon her political beliefs. Politics and religion need to be put to bed when it comes to helping sick children.
Harshbishop, you have lowered yourself deeper into the abyss.